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प्लास्टिक की बोतल बनाने का बिजनेस आइडिया

प्लास्टिक से बने प्रोडक्ट की बढ़ती संख्या के साथ, इस दुनिया में प्लास्टिक का भरपूर मात्रा में उपयोग किया जाता है।  

प्लास्टिक का 2014 में वार्षिक वैश्विक प्रोडक्शन 311 मिलियन टन तक पहुंच गया था।

एक स्टडी से अनुमान लगाया गया है कि 2050 तक प्लास्टिक का प्रोडक्शन लगभग 2000 मिलियन टन तक पहुंच सकता है।

प्लास्टिक एक हल्का, टिकाऊ, सस्ता और आसानी से उपलब्ध मटीरियल है, जिसकी वजह से इसका उपयोग तेजी से बढ़ रहा है।

यह किराने के सामान की पैकेजिंग, दवाइयां, पानी की बोतलों, खाद्य कंटेनरों आदि में प्लास्टिक की उच्च मांग का कारण है।

इस आर्टिकल में मशीन की पूरी इनफार्मेशन से लेकर बोतल बनाने की प्रोसेस और प्लास्टिक की बोतल बनाने का बिज़नेस कैसे शुरू करें इसके बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी दी गई है।

जिससे आप भी अपना बिज़नेस शुरू कर सकते है।

Blow Moulding Machine

सबसे पहले प्लास्टिक बोटल जिस मशीन से बनती हे उस मशीन के बारे में बात करे तो, बोटल, ब्लो मोल्डिंग मशीन के द्वारा बनाई जाती हे।

ब्लो मोल्डिंग मशीन 10 ml से लेकर 20 ltr तक की अलग अलग केपेसिटी के आते है।

ब्लोमोल्डिंग मशीन में सिंगल स्टेशन और डबल स्टेशन दो प्रकार के मशीन होते है।

इस मशीन में तरह तरह के मोल्ड होते हे जिससे विभिन्न इंडस्ट्री से जुडी बोत्तले बनाई जाती है।

जैसे की फ़ूड प्रोसेसिंग, एग्र्रीकल्चर, लुब्रीकेंट, फार्मास्यूटिकल, कॉस्मेटिक, टॉय, FMCG इत्यादि।

Bottle Making Process

यह मशीन में सबसे पहले हॉपर से प्लास्टिक के रॉ मैटेरियल्स एक्सट्रूडर बैरल के अंदर पहुंचता है।

उसके बाद डाई से होते हुए प्लास्टिक बहार निकलता है जो ट्यूब के आकार का होता है।

फिर एक हॉट प्लेट इसे कट करता है और ब्लोइंग नोज़ल की मदद से हाई प्रेशर हवा को ब्लो किया जाता है।

जिससे प्लास्टिक मोल्ड के हिसाब से फूल जाता है।

फिर मोल्ड खुल जाता है। और प्रोडक्ट बनके तैयार है। एक कर्मचारी प्रोडक्ट से एक्सट्रा मटेरियल को रिमूव करता जाता है।

इस एक्स्ट्रा मटेरियल को फिरसे रियूज किया जाता है। और अब प्रोडक्ट बाजार में बेचने के लिए तैयार है।

ब्लो मौंडलिंग मशीन की मदद से आप प्लास्टिक बैट, बॉल, प्लास्टिक हैमर जैसे Hollow प्रोडक्ट का मैन्युफैक्चरिंग कर सकते है।

इसके अलावा ब्लो-मोल्डिंग की मदद से आप एग्रीकल्चर बॉटल्स, फ़ूड बॉटल्स, फार्मा बॉटल्स और ऑटोमेटिव प्रोडक्ट का मैन्युफैक्चरिंग कर सकते है।

Bottle Making Business Plan

आइये अब इस बिज़नेस प्लान को समझते हैं की इसमें आपको इन्वेस्ट कितना करना होगा, कितना प्रॉफिट होगा इत्यादि।

यह बिजनेस प्लान 1 लीटर बोतल बनाने का है।

बोतल का वजन लगभग 20 ग्राम के आसपास होता है और रॉ मटेरियल की कीमत करीब 95 रुपये प्रति किलो है।

बात करे ब्लो मोल्डिंग मशीन की तो यह मशीन 8 घंटे में 1320 बोतलें बना सकती है।

इस हिसाब से कैलक्युलेशन की जाए तो महीने के 25 दिनों में 33 हजार बोतल का प्रोडक्शन आराम से हो जायेगा।

मैनुफैक्चरर को एक लीटर बोतल पर लेबल और बॉटल कैप लगाने के साथ कुल मिलाकर 13 रुपये में पड़ती है।

इस बोतल को वह बाजार में 15 से 17 रुपये में आसानी से बेच सकते हे। और इस तरह आप प्रति माह 30 हजार से 40 हजार का प्रॉफिट कमा सकते हैं।

ब्लो मोल्डिंग मशीन की कीमत तक़रीबन 10 से 20 लाख तक है। और मशीन के मोल्ड की कीमत 50 हजार से 1 लाख रुपये तक है।

इस मशीन की ख़ास बात ये है की आप केवल मोल्ड को चेंज करके एक ही मशीन में अलग अलग साइज की बोतल और अन्य प्रोडक्ट बना सकते हैं।

इस प्रकार का बिज़नेस शुरू करने के लिए आपको तक़रीबन 1 हजार वर्ग फुट जगह चाहिए होगी।

तो कुल मिलाकर इस बिज़नेस को करने के लिए तक़रीबन आपको 25 से 30 लाख रुपए तक इन्वेस्टमेंट करना पड़ सकता है।


प्लास्टिक का उपयोग इंडस्ट्रियल और अन्य क्षेत्र में बढ़ने से प्लास्टिक के प्रोडक्ट की आज बहुत मांग है।

कुर्सियां, फर्नीचर से लेकर किचन के बैठने तक हर चीज प्लास्टिक की बन रही है।

देखने में आकर्षक, उपयोग करने में आसान, वजन में हल्की और कीमत में सस्ती होने के कारण प्लास्टिक की चीजे ग्राहकों को बहुत पसंद आ रही है।  

इसलिए प्लास्टिक से जुड़ा बिज़नेस करने से आपको बहुत ज्यादा मुनाफा हो सकता है।

तो इस तरह आप प्लास्टिक की बोतल का मैन्युफैक्चरिंग बिज़नेस कर सकते हैं. दोस्तों उम्मीद है आपको यह जानकारी बिज़नेस स्टार्ट करने में हेल्प करे।

टोय मेकिंग बिज़नेस आईडिया

दोस्तों खिलौने हमारे बचपन का एक अभिन्न हिस्सा हैं। खिलोने न केवल बच्चों का मनोरंजन करते हैं बल्कि उन्हें उनकी कल्पना और निपुणता को डेवेलोप करने में भी मदद करते हैं।

ऐसे में अगर आप खिलौनों का बिजनेस शुरू करने की सोच रहे हैं तो आपका निर्णय एकदम सही है और इस बिजनेस से आपको अच्छा मुनाफ़ा हो सकता है।

इसके साथ साथ, खिलौने के बिजनेस को भारत सरकार, मेड इन इंडिया अभियान के तहत बनाए गए प्रोडक्ट्स को ज्यादा बढ़ावा देना चाहती है, जिसकी मदद से खिलौने के व्यापार को लगातार प्रोत्साहन मिल रहा है।

3 Ltr Single Station Blow Moulding Toy Machine-3

“नेशनल इन्वेस्टमेंट प्रमोशन & फेसिलिटेसन एजेंसी” के अनुसार भारत में आने वाले समय में खिलौना मार्केट करीब 12 हजार करोड़ होने का अनुमान लगाया गया है।

अगस्त 2020 में, प्रधान मंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने भी युवा बिज़नेसमेन से खिलोने के क्षेत्र में इनोवेशन पर फोकस करने का आग्रह किया है क्योंकि भारतीय खिलोने मार्किट में काफी पोटेंशियल हैं।

खिलोने मेकिंग में सबसे पहला स्टेप है, कौन से खिलोने बनाए?

खिलोनो को बहुत सी केटेगरी में डिवाइड किया जाता है। जैसे की सॉफ्ट टॉय, हार्ड टॉय, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक इत्यादि। आपको इन केटेगरी में से चुनना है की कौन से खिलोने बनाए।

अगर आप इंडियन ट्रेडिशन के हिसाब से टॉयज बनाएंगे तो आप टोय मार्केट में एक अलग पहचान बना सकते है।

अब जानते है की आप खिलोने कैसे बना सकते है?

खिलोने बनाने की शुरुआत होती है, रॉ मटेरियल से।

खिलौनों में उपयोग किया जाने वाला मुख्य रॉ मटेरियल प्लास्टिक है। जैसे की, पॉलीइथाइलीन, पॉलीप्रोपाइलीन, नायलोन ग्रैन्यूल्स, पोलिस्टाईरिन और पॉलीकार्बोनेट इत्यादि।

यह रॉ मटेरियल में आप इन्वेंशन कर के केमिकल के इस्तेमाल से आप खिलौनों को ज्यादा सॉफ्ट और बेहतर कलर दे सकते है।

प्रोडक्शन कॉस्ट कम करने के लिए आप रॉ मटेरियल को व्होलेसलेर्स कम दाम में खरीद सकते है।

अब देखते है खिलोने बनाने वाली मशीन का।

प्लास्टिक खिलोने बनाने के लिए मुख्य तौर पर तीन मशीन्स का इस्तेमाल होता है।

इंजेक्शन मोल्डिंग मशीन, ब्लो मोल्डिंग मशीन और इंडस्ट्रियल शिलाई मशीन।

ज्यादातर खिलौनों को ब्लो मोल्डिंग और इंजेक्शन मशीन से बनाये जाता है। यह मशीन से आप खिलोने के साथ साथ बहुत सारे दूसरे प्रोडक्ट्स भी बना सकते है।

सबसे पहले देखते है, इंजेक्शन मोल्डिंग मशीन।

इंजेक्शन मोल्डिंग मशीन से आप सॉलिड टोय बना सकते है। यह मशीन से अलग अलग डाई का इस्तमाल कर के अलग अलग रंग, आकार और साइज के खिलोने बना सकते हो।

जैसा की मेने आपको बनता यह मशीन से आप आमतौरपे सख्त टॉय का मैन्युफैक्चरिंग कर सकते है।

जैसे की कर, टॉय गन, JCB, kitchen toy और पजल टॉय इत्यादि बना सकते है।

अब देखते है ब्लो मोल्डिंग मशीन

ब्लो मोल्डिंग मशीन से Hollow प्लास्टिक आइटम्स बना सकते है।

यह मशीन में सबसे पहले हॉपर से प्लास्टिक के रॉ मैटेरियल्स एक्सट्रूडर बैरल के अंदर पहुंचता है।

उसके बाद डाई से होते हुए प्लास्टिक बहार निकलता है जो ट्यूब के आकार का होता है।

फिर एक हॉट प्लेट इसे कट करता है। और ब्लोइंग नोज़ल की मदद से हाई प्रेशर हवा को ब्लो किया जाता है। जिससे प्लास्टिक मोल्ड के हिसाब से फूल जाता है।

ब्लो मौंडलिंग मशीन की मदद से आप प्लास्टिक बैट, बॉल, प्लास्टिक हैमर जैसे Hollow प्रोडक्ट का मैन्युफैक्चरिंग कर सकते है।

इसके आलावा ब्लो-मोल्डिंग की मदद से आप एग्रीकल्चर बॉटल्स, फ़ूड बॉटल्स, फार्मा बॉटल्स और ऑटोमेटिव प्रोडक्ट का मैन्युफैक्चरिंग कर सकते है।

Start Your Toy Manufacturing Business in Village

Toys are an essential part of our childhood and it is popular among babies, kids, teens, and even adults, everyone loves toys.

Simple toys to electrical ones are found in every house and they have played a significant role in the growth and education of children.

The toys are made using variety of materials like, plastic, wood, metal, fabric, etc.

With a growing population, the toy making business has immense potential in our country so if you start toy manufacturing business in the village then you will have many benefits.

There are three ways to start your toy manufacturing business.

Find Unique & Consumable Toy in Your Industry Plastic-Table-Tennis-Set Plastic-Hoola-Circle-for-kidsToys Start-Ups

Toys Manufacturing by Injection Molding:

Through injection molding, you can make hard quality plastic toys.

In this molding, different types of molds and master batch are used to make various sizes, designs and colors of toys.

During manufacturing, the raw material of plastic granules is fed into the hopper.

After heating the Plastic granules, it turns into a liquid form.

Then this liquid is injected into the mold via nozzle. Then the plastic takes shape of the mold.

At the end when it cools down, it is taken out and the toy is ready.

Product from Injection molding machine

You can generally make hard toys with injection molding machine such as cars, toy guns, and puzzles, etc.

Investment for Injection molding machine

The investment of Injection molding machine is starts from 10 lakh rupees according to the capacity. Except machine cost, there are some other expanses like, Mold, accessories equipment, raw material, labor, and out sourcing, etc.

Next is the Blow Molding Method


Hollow and flexible plastic toys are mostly manufactured by the blow molding machine, like plastic bat, ball, stump, hockey, etc.

In blow molding process, hollow plastic products are made from thermoplastic raw materials. It is a type of plastic forming method.

The process, contains heating and inflating a plastic tube generally known as a preform.

The preform is placed between two dies that contain the desired shape of the product.

Air is then released to inflate the tube and it took the shape of the mold.

After blowing, the product is then chilled, ejected, trimmed.

With the help of this machine, you can make about 960 bats daily and that means you can make about 24,000 bats every month.

Investment for Blow molding machine

The investment for Blow molding machine is around 14 to 16 lakh INR according to the capacity.

Except machine cost there are some other expanses like, Mold cost, equipment cost, material cost, labor cost, and out sourcing cost etc.

Third one is Industrial sewing machine

Soft toys are mostly liked by children and young girls.

You may have seen cloth toys. It come under the category of soft toys.

These cloth toys are made with the Sewing Machine.

Women can easily start a soft toy-making business at home. You will need a less space for it. You can start it with an area of ​​500 square feet.

The production process of soft toys is very easy and simple.

Basic manufacturing steps are pattern making, paper cutting, sewing, eyes and nose punching, stuffing, back closing, and finishing.

Through sewing machine, you can make soft toys like teddy bears, birds, animals, and etc.

Investment for industrial sewing machine

The investments for industrial sewing machine is around 20 thousand.

You can also make toys such as teddy bears and small dolls through Polyester Toy Stuffing Machine.

To make cloth toys by Polyester Toy Stuffing Machine you need to invest around 2,45,000.

Let’s know brief process of how it works.

First, the polyester fiber is filled inside the machine.

After that, with the help of nozzle, the polyester fiber is stuffed inside the teddy bear and sealed. Finally, teddy bear is ready to play with.

License for Toys Making Business

First, you will have to register your business to MSME and Udyog Aadhaar.

The second most important thing is you need to acquire the IEC code.

It is a unique 10-digit alpha numeric code used for import or export goods in India and also need fire extinguisher to protect your from fire.

Benefits of Doing Business in Village

If you start a toy manufacturing business in the village, you will get more advantages such as;

First, you will easily get workers at low wages and your electricity bill will be less as per unit rate is low compared to the urban areas.

Also there is a land available at low rent in the village, for manufacturing and warehouse.


To Begin your toy manufacturing business in village, you will need to find out which toy product is beneficial for your business.

To grow business, you need to make new digital marketing ideas to run the toys business successfully.

Also, in your business, you can make various toys with the single machine.

With that, in the single investment you can make varieties of toys with changing the mold.

I hope this will help you to start a toy manufacturing business in village.

5 Step to Start Toy Manufacturing Business in India

We all know that toys are an integral part of our childhood. Toys not only entertain kids but also help them develop their imagination and dexterity.

No other thing can take the place of toys in childhood and that’s the reason why the toy business has been running for years and will continue in the future also. And this business will also support the Indian government.

If you are thinking of starting a toy business, then your decision is right and you can earn good profits from this business.

So today I will tell you how you can start a toy manufacturing business in India by following these 5 steps.

The government wants to promote the Toys business in order to manufacture as well as boost the product’s sales in India under the Made in India campaign, due to this, the toy business is constantly being encouraging.

According to the “National Investment Promotion & Facilitation Agency”, the toy industry market in India is estimating around $ 1.5 billion.

In August 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also urged young businessmen to focus on innovation in the toy sector as the Indian toy market has huge potential.

The First Step Is Market Research.

Before starting the toys making business, it is important to do market research.

it is important to collect as much information as possible about this business so that you get the knowledge that what kind of toys are in demand in the market.

In order to get the information, you can go to the market and have to find out an experienced shop owner and makes an inquiry about which toy contains higher sales in the market? And you can also take a demo of the toy from that shop owner and you can make your own unique product by researching it. Also, you can make a deal with that shopkeeper to supply your product directly. So that you can get an initial boost to your product.

You can choose another way, in which you can also do online market research. For that, you can use free online sources like Google Trends, Google Consumer Survey, etc. to know what people are looking for and what is their demand?

If you have a lesser budget then you can also collect information about a particular industry, product, service from the forum website. On these websites, people give their opinion on different types of questions. Therefore, if you want, you can also take people’s opinions by putting questions on websites like Quora, Reddit.

The Second Step Is, “Innovation, Which Will Make The Business Shine.

To start a toy manufacturing business, the only investment is not required, the key of creativity is also very important, on the basis of which you will be able to be successful in the market. If you provide unique toys to the customers, then the demand for your product will also increase greatly. Having a skilled workforce, diverse range, innovation, creativity in this business can give a great boost to your business.

You can present your new toy to the people by making your own innovation in soft toys or plastic or battery-operated toys, which will increase your toys sales.

The 21st century is the era of science and technology, so you can also invent robotic toys by doing research, such robotic toys teach children about science and technology in the game. Keeping this in mind, you can invent your own sensor-based toy.

Raw Materials Selection

You will need raw materials to make toys and you can buy these raw material according to your need at low prices from wholesale. The main component used in toys is plastic, usually, raw materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon granules, polystyrene, and polycarbonate are used in toy manufacturing. In this also you can bring innovation as you can use some chemical in raw material to give softer and better color to your toys.

In order to improve your business, you can buy raw materials at a cheap price, which will also help to reduce your production cost.

The third step is to find the specific market (Find your niche) or select the toy category.

The toy manufacturing business in India is developing with a lot of opportunity and competition at the same time.

To start a toy business, you need to know what it takes to be successful in your specific market. You have to decide whether you want to manufacture soft toys, or you want to work on electronic toys?

You can also select the category according to the choice of the local people who have come up while doing the research Because initially, you will need to sell your toys in the same city or some other nearby cities.

Finding a specific market not only gives you the knowledge to meet your target customers but also their needs and preferences. keeping the Indian culture in mind, you can produce the toys of Lord Ram, Shiva, and Hanuman And you can also manufacture toys on top of local famous figures like Shaktimaan, Sakalaka Boom Boom Pencil. By making such famous toys, customers will buy more of your toys.

The fourth step is “Toys Manufacturing Machines”

The selection of machinery may differ according to the category of toys.

There are generally 3 types of machines used in the toy industry: 1 injection molding machine 2 blow molding machines and 3 sewing machines.

Today, most toys are made with blow molding machines and injection machines. With this machine, you can make toys as well as many other products.

1. Injection Molding Machine

In the plastic toy business, you can make good quality products using injection molding.

In the plastics industry, different shapes, designs, and colors can be easily given by using injection molding machines to give different molds and colors.

Product from the Injection molding machine

With an injection molding machine, you can generally manufacture hard toys. you can well-manufacture cars, toy guns, and puzzle toys.

Investment For Injection molding machine

To install an injection molding machine in your company, you will have to invest around 12 to 14 lakh rupees

2. Blow Molding Machine

3 Ltr Single Station Blow Moulding Toy Machine-3

If we compare Blow Moulding Machine with Injection Moulding, the blow molding machine contains less pressure in this process. Because of this, you cannot manufacture the more rigid toys with the best quality.

Product from the Blow molding machine.

This is the reason that hollow and flexible plastic items are mostly produced by blow molding machines. With the help of a blow molding machine, you can manufacture hollow products like plastic bats, balls, plastic hammers, etc.

Investment For Blow molding machine

In order to buy a blow molding machine, you will have to invest around 15 to 16 lakhs.

3. Sewing Machine

If you want to make handmade Teddy bears or made teddy bears using semi-automatic machinery, then you can use the sewing machine.

Along with raw materials and machines, you will need secure space in which you can install machinery and make a manufacturing unit. you can use a sewing machine to make the toy by hand. Especially cloth is used in this type of toy.

Product from sewing machine

With the help of this machine, you can produce soft toys of teddy bears, birds, and animals.

Investment For sewing machine

In order to buy a sewing machine, you will have to invest about 20 thousand.

The Fifth Step is “Marketing”.

Marketing is the most important thing because marketing gives an initial boost to your start-up. With marketing, more and more people will connect with you and buy your product.

The first way for marketing is that you can sell your toys by contacting the local distributor, or you can sell your products by going to the local toy shop.

Another way is the printing section which is commonly used, in which you can publicize your product by making a banner about your product, placing a holding, so that more and more people can know this product.

You can do marketing by putting your poster on buses, rickshaws, and other public vehicles.

The third way is digital marketing, you can share about your product on social sites like Facebook, WhatsApp.

Apart from this, you can join online groups or you can also use online social media ads.

You can also meet YouTubers and talk about your products, if they like your product, then you can tell them to make a video of unboxing your product. You can also make an online review on YouTube, most important thing to remember is, if the quality and design of your product are unique, then the YouTuber will definitely unbox your product.

So, I hope these 5 steps to starting this manufacturing business will definitely prove to be beneficial for you. If you have any friends who are looking to start a new business, suggest these business ideas to them.

Blow Moulding VS Rotomoulding

In the process of hollow plastic form, there are two methods commonly known as blow Moulding and roto Moulding.

Sadhi Machinery Plastic Product has been concentrating on blow Moulding for many years.

Here we explain how Blow Moulding is better than Roto Moulding?

Blow Moulding

blow moulding mashine

Blow Moulding is a process utilized in the manufacturing industry to produce hollow plastic products.

It contains the use of heated, liquid material that is put off into a mould cavity under pressure.

This method is a specific type of moulding process.

Roto Moulding

Rotomoulding is a versatile method for making distinct hollow plastic parts. A single hollow part is made by rotating and heating with two axes.

The raw materials are injected into the rotating Mould.

Centrifugal force pressurizes the molten plastic to stay on the internal wall of the Mould.

Now we are going to compare both Blow Moulding and Rotomoulding respectively


The Blow-moulded tank utilizes a fiercely UV-stabilized outer layer, a black middle layer that takes 100% of the recycled flash and trimmings, and a virgin polymer inner layer in contact with potable water.

The layers in blow molding establish at the same time and therefore the bonding between the layers is absolute.

SMP Blow Moulding Machine acquires multi-layers die head technology. obtain the manufacturing of multi-layer products.

Better the recovery utilization rate of material and decrease the material cost.

In the roto moulding method, the material layers add in each Moulding process-weak bonding plus very vapid and decimation of energy, labor, material, and space.

Energy Saving

In the section on energy saving, the blow Moulding Process is totally automatic and utilizes electricity which is secure for labor, keeps the temperature less, and the environment clean.

In this process, there is only need one operator, two workers for scrap cutting, and it is auto material feeding & auto water circulation cooling as well.

On the other side, in roto Moulding, there is more manual work than blow moulding.

For example, in the method of roto Moulding, special workers require to open and close the moulds.

Opening and closing die in part of heavy manual labour. Furthermore, in this process, it uses a fuel that keeps the temperature high and high-risk for labourers and adds materials.

This process is costly and needed many labourers as well.

Cycle Time

In most manufacturing processes, timing is most important. Generally shorter production times are more economical

In the roto Moulding process, the cycle times are often more than 30 minutes on the other hand blow Moulding cycle times are often less than one minute.


On the other hand, in the process of Roto Moulding, tooling must replace consistently.


In Roto Moulding, a plastic resin is fall down around the inner hot mold to try to fill in all the portions of the mold.

Unluckily, this still outcome in voids in the product.

On the other side, in blow Moulding, a solid parison neglects the voids, outcome in parting line integrity.

Part weight

By their very manufacturing process, roto moulded parts result in large walls that means parts are basically heavier than they otherwise could be.

Blow-moulded components form with thinner walls that means parts are all together as light as they can be while meeting design essentials.


By the Whole above information, you easily identify that the blow Moulding process is the best process than rotomoulding. The blow Moulding products have the benefits of a long lifetime, are wearable, strong, and durable, have good impact resistance, and good low-temperature resistance.

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